Alla inlägg den 26 december 2014

Av Gun - 26 december 2014 21:21

möte av människor. 

så olika personer jag har mött i mitt liv, speciellt nu efter skilsmässan.

ibland känns det som att där är en lite styrande hand över mitt liv.

mr J went down the dumpster luckily for me for what would have happened to my poor soul if it had continued.

why i let it happen i really wonder, but guess i had a lesson that i had to learn. 

some people just arent so very attentive/uppmärksamma as you wish. but for gods sake when you are in a beginning of a relationship you should be in 7th heaven not in nifelheim. such an uncertainty in my heart the whole time I felt.

but my body so wanted his body. although my brain felt were are we were are you..

i started to sink but luckily i had friends that i listened 2, and a urge for attention. Since he didnt give it to me i continued talkin to those men i wwould have been giving up if it were right...

so guess my need of attention saved me. it made me put up the questions and see that there were no feelings from him how much my heart even wanted there to be.. but with no properly feedback it was going as titanic. it didnt even had to hit an iceberg. it was a ship that already was sinking.

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